Newbie Needs Help!
Published on July 23, 2008 By Suanough In WindowBlinds

Hi All,

Being a Newbie to WindowBlinds I downloaded my first wallpaper from winCustomize... I unzipped it. But now I don't know what folder to put it in so it shows up with the other wallpapers...

Thanks for any help,

Suanough, Hurricane Central, Katy TX

on Jul 23, 2008
Put them into your windows folder.
on Jul 23, 2008
on Jul 23, 2008
Or you can put them in your pictures. Thats what I do.
Then just right click and "set them as your background"
on Jul 23, 2008
Then just right click and "set them as your background"
In another thread it was determined that when you use this function in Vista the quality is degraded.  Be warned. 
on Jul 23, 2008
I have a folder under My Documents called "My Wallpaper"

There's no right or wrong place but putting them in Windows/Web/Wallpaper means you won't have to "Browse" for them.
on Jul 23, 2008
Since we had the option to change wallpapers inside WB6, I put mine in Public/Documents/Stardock/Windowblinds/Wallpapers.... makes things easy for old geezers like me, lol   
on Jul 23, 2008
So....Actually......was a bit over strong  as you can just about put them anywhere and you will be right.
on Jul 23, 2008
So....Actually......was a bit over strong as you can just about put them anywhere and you will be right.

Ok....shoot me then! Wallpapers have always gone into that least on my pc...until everyone started making one folder after another for them to go in. I prefer to keep things tidy...a place for everything and everything in its place. I really don't like having numerous folders for one thing.
on Jul 23, 2008
put them anywhere answer I've heard in ages...   

a place for everything and everything in its place. are referring to someone else's machine...right...???   
on Jul 23, 2008
I prefer to keep things tidy...a place for everything and everything in its place. I really don't like having numerous folders for one thing.

My tree........

My Documents>
My Wallpapers>

on Jul 23, 2008 are referring to someone else's machine...right...???

Yeah.....Mine ya grouch! Ok ok....I have other folders in My Documents for incoming walls...but as soon as they are sorted out they go in one place.
on Jul 23, 2008
Yet another option:If it goes with a WB,you can open WB config,go to the wallpaper tab and drag and drop the wall into it.Then select it when you change WindowBlinds.